Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Going back to my roots

I want to write about my motherhood adventures because I need something that will remind me to work hard and exert extra effort to be a responsible and nurturing mom. Work had been glamorous lately and I hate myself for being so damn buried at work without even realizing that I've got other and more important priorities to take care of. Well, here's a little regret I've got to tell you, Since I've landed on a new job last February 2014 me and my husband decided to have a family set up where in we'll leave our son in the province during weekdays while we are working and then just come home on weekends to spent some time with my son. We've been in that set up for a year now and it is ending soon. So I'm happy that we are finally getting back together again, the three of us in one roof, everyday, EVERYDAY. I'm going to be with my little one again everyday. 

Much love, 
Mum ❤️

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